Collection: A Notebook from India

For any design enthusiast India is intoxicating, every single visable surface is pattern and colour. The colour ’s of India are intense, vibrant and heart stopping. A group of women in a field, a normal site in any other country, in India become a vibrant display of clashing pink, orange and lime of the very brightest hues. The Indigo pots in Bagru with the unmistakable blue, the dipped cloth hung out to dry or across a field to dry.

The detailed design in the historic buildings and scenes of everyday life are also incredibly captivating.The subtle beauty of the mirrored ceiling at the Amber Palace, the Udaipur Palace with its centuries old fresco now faded to a beautiful patina and paisley’s seen in the market which informed this collection and are still seemingly modern and relevant to our world today. The detail in the designs for Nine Muses Textiles have been hand painted from inspirations seen on travels in India.

45 products